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Our Future Led series

3 Apr 2023

The new era of healthcare

Australia’s healthcare system, like many around the world, is at a critical juncture. The challenges of increased levels of chronic disease, pressures of an ageing population and inequitable access to health services require a shift in the way we design our healthcare system.     

Katie Cassidy
Katie Cassidy Editorial Manager

The vision for a connected student experience in higher education

8 Mar 2023

When we talk about “student experience”, it runs the risk of sounding like a singular, monolithic thing. It's the student experience. It's the student journey. The reality is that there are as many student experiences as there are students.  

Katie Cassidy
Katie Cassidy Editorial Manager

A graduate’s guide to working in digital

6 Mar 2023

So you’re about to graduate and you’ve been asked too many times some variation of, “What are you going to do after uni?” or, if you studied humanities, “So what are you now? What will you be qualified to do?”.  

Erika Engstrom Delivery Associate

Reflecting on designing services in sensitive areas

28 Feb 2023

What does it mean to design services in sensitive areas? Firstly, sensitive is a word that gets used in many contexts. I’m not talking about classified information or people who are easily offended. 

We all experience life differently—what makes something sensitive is whether it has the potential to impact your wellbeing. Approaching this work requires not only empathy, but a deep level of humility and appreciation of the precariousness of life. 

Fiona Armstrong
Fiona Armstrong CEO & Partner

How robotics and AI can boost local manufacturing

13 Dec 2022

“Every company is a technology company”, is a line often used as shorthand to describe how the digital age has changed business. It doesn’t matter if you build bridges or provide services – you're going to need to grapple with the impact of technology on what you do and how you do it. 

It came to mind during our latest Future Led with Associate Professor Cori Stewart, who is the founder and CEO of the Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing (ARM) Hub.

Katie Cassidy
Katie Cassidy Editorial Manager